Rainy day crafting.

Yesterday was another windy and wet day, but whilst most people were moaning about the weather I was loving being house bound with lots of cups of tea and crafty ideas buzzing around my head.

So what did I get up to?

I was lucky enough to find some old rolls of wall paper at a sale recently so yesterday was play day...  

I've also managed to acquire over the last year or so a small collection of old baby clothes.

Here's one of the dresses, they are all so gorgeous with delicate lace and tiny tucks and embroidery. (I tried to take more pictures to show you but the cats thought it was such a laugh to pounce on them, so I gave up)

So what I'm trying to say is that if you put vintage wall paper and vintage baby clothes together you may be inspired to create something like this!

 I was.

I hope you're all dry and happy and had a fab weekend (regardless of the weather) xx


  1. oh that's just so cute and what a nice way to spend a rainy day I especially don't mind these kind of days as i'm like you i just buzz away in my craft room making happiness!! happy monday and the rest of the week pippax

  2. Hi Pippa, I'm so chuffed you like it, not bad for just mucking about! I think I'm going to do a few more and create my own paper fashion range :)

    Do you reckon that across the country yesterday there were crafters everywhere making stuff, I hope so.

    You have a great week too x

  3. If I wasn't having to drive Jasper to Tim_Buck_too for rugby I would have been doing the same, enjoying playing with crafty ideas.

    Why do people think it is just children that get a kick out of crafty play time?? What will you do with your dresses? They are lovely.

  4. Hi ya PC, I was just thinking of you...spooky!

    I'm going to make a few more and try and sell them as the alternative wall art item. I'll give them a go at the market first and then see where I go from there. I feel these little dress etc could get more and more elaborate. I've also got loads of stuff to go on Drop The Weasel which I'm ashamed to say I've been neglecting of late. Have you been up to any crafty stuff lately? x

  5. Hello Lizzie! Thank you for popping by my blog earlier - it's so lovely when somebody leaves a comment and that leads me to another blog to read!

    The paper dress you have made is incredibly pretty and the little heart shaped handle of the hanger sets it off beautiful; I've actually never seen a hanger the same before :-) You must be tempted to hang the clothes themselves on the wall as little pieces of art too as vintage pieces are so intricately finished

    Jem xXx


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